5 new bus stops will be added, and you will get on / off the bus at anywhere on the route. For more info, please see the website.
新設するバス停 Added bus stops
本部町内 In Motobu town |
渡久地港(とぐちこう) Toguchi port |
今帰仁村内 In Nakijin village |
赤墓(あかばか)ビーチ・長浜(ながはま)ビーチ 崎山(さきやま)公民館 トケイ浜ハートロック 古宇利(こうり)オーシャンタワー Akabaka beach / Nagahama beach, Sakiyama Kominkan, Tokeihama / Heart rock, Kouri ocean tower |
- フリー乗降区間について / Bus that you can get on – off anywhere
Raising your hand, you can get on the bus from anywhere / Telling driver, you can get off the bus anywhere except for some section and for the dangerous site. Please check the map below.
- 注意事項 / Notices
Please use the built bus stop if it exists close to your get on / off point.
You can’t get on / off the bus at places below: near the intersection or crosswalk, on the top of hill, on the slope or corner of the road
It is driver who decide finally the get on / off point
After getting off the bus, please do not cross the road near the bus.
If you cancel your coupon or monthly pass due to inconvenience, we refund its fare without handling charge.
フリー乗降区間 / Where you can get on / off the bus except for bus stop ?
At the sections colored pink, you can get on / off the bus anywhere.